5 Non-Basic Dates You Need To Have With Your S.O. This Fall

Fall is finally upon us! Autumn means falling leaves, crisp and cool air, apple picking, sweaters, and cuddling up with bae. All you want to do when it gets cool out is go on leisurely walks, stay in bed all day, and snuggle up with some blankets on the couch with a good book and a cup of tea. Unfortunately, that sometimes means that your relationship can get a little slow – gone are the summer days of sitting outside drinking wine late at night, going to warm summer concerts, and having picnics in the park. To make sure you don’t get bored with your SO this fall, check out some of these adorable autumn date ideas:

1. Go for a hike.

Lose the UGG boots and invest in hiking boots. Even if you’re not an outdoorsy person, going on a hike can be a great way to appreciate autumn’s natural fall beauty. Since the heat of the summer is finally gone, you can get some fresh air without sweating up a storm – and if your hands get chilly, that’s what your SO is for, right? So go get a look at those gorgeous leaves as they change color; there’s really nothing like it.


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Pumpkin Spice and Everything Nice: 11 Fun Indoor Fall Activities

Fall is in full swing and there are all the Pumpkin Spice Lattes, carved pumpkins and freshly-picked apples to show for it. But while these fall festivities are all sorts of fun, they’re also outdoors, which generally means it’s freezing (and sometimes rainy and windy and miserable). If you’re not a huge fan of the cold, here are eleven perfect fall activities you can do without leaving your home.

  1. Bake apple everything

Apple pies aren’t the only fun apple snack you can make – from apple chips to baked apples to applesauce, the options are limitless. So choose your favorite, turn on the oven, and get going. Not only will you make your house warm and toasty, it’ll smell amazing from the baking apples and cinnamon you’re bound to use.

  1. Make these pumpkin spice delicacies

Pumpkin flavored foods are all the rage, so instead of breaking the bank buying all your favorite pumpkin goodies, make your own! Try out these delicious pumpkin cheesecake bites!

  1. Go online shopping for sweaters

Sweaters are arguably the best part of fall – they’re warm and fuzzy and comfortable, and if you find the right one, you can wear it to work and in bed.

  1. Dye your hair a warm fall color

While pastels and neons are all the rage for summer, muted tones and warm colors are perfect for fall. If you’ve been wanting to try out that chestnut brown, or auburn, or dusty blond, now is the time. Grab your BFF and your new hair color, and get your dye on.

  1. Make crafts out of fallen leaves

Fallen colored leaves can’t just make childish wreaths, you can also make beautiful mason jars, pretty rocks, and candle holders.

  1. Put together a fall playlist

Look through your iTunes library and start making your “Fall 2015” playlist. Choose your favorite fall songs and listen on repeat.

  1. Practice your nail art

Nail art is beautiful, and fall is the best time to try out your new favorite colors and styles.

  1. Watch your favorite fall TV episodes

All the Thanksgiving episodes of Friends, anyone?

  1. Make cinnamon-scented candles

Candles are actually really simple to make – all you need is wax, some cinnamon, and cute jars, and you’ve got yourself an adorable candle.

  1. Drink your favorite coffees and teas while reading a great book

Have a favorite book? Wrap yourself in blankets, make some tea, and reread your all-time fave book.

  1. Host your own paint and sip night

Gather your favorite ladies, buy some wine, and stop by the craft store to get some canvasses and paint, and make your own apartment decorations!

Do you love fall but love it even more from the comforts of your couch? Then hopefully these eleven activities will have you and your friends set all fall long.